Some disagree with the concept of the sin of ignorance, which may effect their daily existence. The sin of ignorance is doing what is sinful without realizing it. It is doing wrong, yet in ignorance, one believes that he is doing right. The book of Leviticus stresses the sin of ignorance, or failure and neglect. It was dealt with by way of sacrifice (Lev. 4:1-5:13). In the Old Testament these four classes of people could possibly commit the sin of ignorance: the anointed priest (4:3-12), the whole congregation (4:13-21), the ruler (4:22-26) and the common people (4:27-35). In today’s world a Christian may commit the sin of ignorance by not being aware of God’s commands. For example, he may ignore the weekly communion or he may disregard weekly worship service or he may pay no attention to assisting his fellow man because he was ignorant of theses commands. Once he becomes aware of these sins, he must confess them, repent of them and pray to God for forgiveness. “Confess therefore your sins one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The supplication of a righteous man avails much in its working” (James 5:16; Acts 8:18-24). “He that covers his transgressions shall not prosper: But whosoever confesses, and forsakes them shall obtain mercy” (Pro. 28:13).
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